Time to blog

After about 4 years, I have decided to blog again. I cleared out my old blogs, and I'm starting fresh. It is funny how these things can come and go. When I first started this blog in my junior year of high school, blogging was really becoming popular. For some reason it kind of died down for a while... and I lost interest. Now all of a sudden everyone I know keeps asking me why I don't blog. Mostly its because I can never thing of anything interesting to say. :) Anyway, I'll try to do better about keeping people up to date on my life since I'm so far away at school. We'll see how well I do though...


Shay said…
Great! I'm so excited. You always have such fun stories. Sorry we didn't get to i-chat yesterday.
kimmers said…
Yay! I'm excited to be able to keep up with your life now that you are living away from home (again). :)
Anonymous said…
Yeah, I love that you are a blogger now too!
Brittney said…
Yay BreAnne! I am glad that you are blogging now, it will be nice to keep up with you better!
Shay said…
So my home page says that you have a new post, but I can't see it. What's up with that?